
The Versatile Ball Screw Linear Actuators for Various Applications

The Future of Precision Motion Control

What is a Ball Screw Linear Actuator?

A ball screw linear actuator is a linear motion device that consists of a ball screw and a nut that rotates on the screw. The screw is typically made of steel and has ball bearings that move along its helical grooves. The nut rotates when the screw rotates, which converts the rotary motion into linear motion. The linear actuator moves the load along the screw axis, providing precise and accurate linear movement.

Advantages of Ball Screw Linear Actuators

Ball screw linear actuators offer numerous benefits over traditional linear motion devices such as pneumatic and hydraulic systems. These benefits include:

  • High accuracy: Ball screw linear actuators offer high accuracy and repeatability, making them ideal for applications where precision is essential.
  • High efficiency: Ball screw linear actuators have a high mechanical efficiency, meaning they can convert a large portion of the input power into valuable work. This conversion leads to less heat generation, longer service life, and reduced energy consumption.
  • High load capacity: Ball screw linear actuators have a high load capacity, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications.
  • Low maintenance: Ball screw linear actuators are low maintenance, requiring only occasional lubrication.  They are ideal for applications where downtime is not an option.
  • Smooth operation: Ball screw linear actuators offer smooth and precise linear motion, making them ideal for applications where smoothness is essential.

Applications of Ball Screw Linear Actuators

Ball screw linear actuators have found applications in a wide range of industries, including:

  • Automation: Ball screw linear actuators are widely used in automation systems.  For example, in assembly lines, where precise and accurate linear motion is essential.
  • Aerospace: Ball screw linear actuators are used in aerospace applications, such as aircraft flaps and landing gear, where high accuracy and reliability are essential.
  • Robotics: Ball screw linear actuators are used in robotics applications, such as robots and manipulators, where precise and smooth linear motion is essential.
  • Medical equipment: Ball screw linear actuators are used in medical equipment, such as X-ray machines and CT scanners, where precise and accurate linear motion is essential.
  • Industrial machinery: Ball screw linear actuators are found in various industrial machinery, such as packaging and printing machines, where precise and accurate linear motion is essential.


Ball screw linear actuators are the future of precision motion control.  They offer high accuracy, efficiency, and reliability, making them ideal for applications where precision is essential. Whether you need precise linear motion for automation, aerospace, robotics, medical equipment, or industrial machinery, ball screw linear actuators is the solution you need. Invest in a ball screw linear actuator today and experience the benefits of precise and accurate linear motion.


Ball Screw Driven Linear Actuators